Fitting Staircase Handrail Components Together


All handrail fittings and ramps are joined to handrails and each other using a dowel screw set.


Dowel Screw Kit


The dowel screw, locking nut and washer are dispatched together.






In the groove of preferably the straight component, drill an access hole 30mm diameter, 30mm deep and 35mm from the face to be joined.

Stair accessories

To look at purchasing these parts click this button, and scroll to the bottom of the page for the accessories. 


when joining a ramp to a straight handrail


To cut this hole you should use an Auger of at least 30mm see below:


use an auger bit to cut hole of at least 30mm


You now need to drill the bolt hole into the end of this straight handrail. We recommend a 9mm diameter hole is drilled 20mm from the very bottom of the handrail. See below.

  Pear Stairs recommend a 9mmØ hole is drilled 20mm from the very bottom of the handrail

The other component to be joined also needs a hole drilling at the exact same centre line, but this time only 6mm diameter and 40mm long, but again 20mm from the very bottom of the component. Ensure the drill is at 90° to the face.

  sections through handrail and down-ramps

Screw the wood threaded part of the dowel screw into the 6mm hole to the full extent of the thread. The centre of the dowel screw has a hexagonal flat face allowing mole grips to twist the screw in.

  Screw the wood threaded part of the dowl screw into the 6mm hole to the full extent of the thread.

You can now fit together the two-component faces applying glue to each face. Secure the nut and washer to the bolt in the access hole.

  Apply glue to each face

You can now tighten the locking nut using a spanner.

  you can now tighten the locking nut with a spanner

If you can't get a spanner into the hole then you can use a screwdriver and a light tapping at the end of the screwdriver to secure the components.

  you can use a screwdriver and a light tapping at the end of the screwdriver to secure the components

See belowfor a 3D view of the components.

  dowel screw 3D view

Pear Stairs sell handrail components in all shapes and sizes but remember if you have any questions don't hesitate to phone us about your handrail components, we are a very friendly company, phone Pear Stairs on 01938 553311.