Single Going D-End Riser

Single Going D-End Riser

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Single Going D-End Riser

SKU: SDEND90180225200

Brand: Pear Stairs

Timber stair parts. Select material

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Excl. Tax: £26.71 Incl. Tax: £32.05


Single Going D-End Riser
A single going D-end step (sometimes called a curtail step) is a decorative feature that can be added to the bottom of a staircase which is open on one side. The wider base of these steps can mean a sturdier staircase, and allows for the incorporation of a volute that will provide a more stable base for the bottom of a handrail. D-end risers with a D-end treads form a single D-end step.
Riser Dimensions: 9mm x 180 degrees x 230mm (diameter) x 200mm rise.
All materials veneered, with the exception of Plywood.